Nanas varieti MD2 (AC9) sebagai varieti nanas premium di Malaysia telah dijadikan tanaman yang sangat berpotensi besar untuk pasaran domestik dan eksport. Nanas ini kini ditanam seluas 2,634 hektar pada tahun 2021-2022 (15.8%) daripada sejumlah 14,072 hektar keluasan semua varieti nanas yang ditanam. Nanas MD2 merupakan nanas premium yang mendapat perhatian kerajaan untuk dibangunkan dengan ada pelbagai insentif bantuan daripada pihak LPNM dan beberapa pihak lain. Ia diminati oleh penanam nanas kerana selain daripada jualan buahnya dilaporkan memang mereka akan mendapat pulangan agak baik melalui jualan sulur benihnya. Bagaimana pun sulur nanas MD2 tulis perlu disahkan dahulu melalui Skim Pengesahan Bahan Tanaman (SPBT) yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Pertanian. Ada juga usaha penjualan anakbenih MD2 dari Kultur Tisu yang mana sehingga sekarang ini masih tidak diperakui untuk tujuan pengesyoran untuk digunakan. Ini kerana benih nanas hibrid MD2 Kultur Tisu berpotensi untuk menyebabkan berlakunya kejadian 'Somaclonal Variation' yang boleh menjejaskan industri nanans MD2 negara. LPNM memberikan bajet yang besar setiap tahun untuk tujuan pembangunan nanas MD2 yang membolehkan lebih ramai penanam akan melibatkan diri dengan penanaman nanas MD2 secara komersil. Nanas MD2 juga diantara varieti nanas yang telah berjaya di eskport sebagai buah nanas segar kebeberapa negara seperti ke China, Singapura, Korea Selatan, Jepun, UAE (Timur Tengah) dan sebagainya.
Telah ada laporan dimana 'Intergrasi tanaman nanas dengan tenaga solar' dimana dilaporkan kini Malaysia akan menjadi negara pertama memperkenalkan konsep integrasi kawasan tanaman nanas dengan tenaga solar yang akan usaha ini diperluaskan kepada pemain industri dalam masa terdekat. Ketua Pengarah Lembaga Perindustrian Nanas Malaysia (LPNM) Mohd Khairuzamri menyatakan dimana idea teknologi berkenaan merupakan inovasi baharu yang dicipta bagi mengoptimumkan sumber tenaga boleh diperbaharui seperti solar. Menurutnya kini ada dua lokasi yang menjadi projek rintis bagi teknologi penanaman nenas dengan dipasang tenaga solar sebagai pemerhatian sudah dilakukan. Ia mengambil masa selama 1.5 - 2 tahun lamanya satu musim penanaman nanas MD2 sebelum dapat dinilai akan keberkesanannya. Tenaga solar merupakan teknologi yang diujudkan bagi mendapatkan tenaga daripada cahaya matahari. Tenaga matahari sudah lama digunakan didalam pemanasan bangunan, pemanasan air, tenaga eletrik dan juga masakan serta pengeringan bahan makanan. Penjanaan tenaga letrik melalui solar panel di Malaysia kini sudah dijadikan sektor industri yang mampu membekalkan juala eletrik kepada semua.
Dalam satu portal berita berbahasa Inggeris bertajuk 'Pineapple Industry Board plans to introduce night farming method' adalah wajar untuk dijadikan rujukkan. Berita dari Bangi, Selangor ini menyatakan dimana pihak 'Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board (LPNM) plans to introduce the night farming method for pineapple planting from next year in efforts to increase pineapple exports from 400,000 tonnes a year to 700,000 tonnes a year by 2025. Its director-general, Mohd Khairuzamri M Salleh said the night farming method had proven to increase pineapple production based on preliminary studies conducted on several smallholdings. He said normally pineapple fruits can be harvested after 14 months, but through the night farming method, pineapples can be harvested within 11 months. "We are trying to realise this innovation because it represents something new in the industry, and we also believe that night farming is being implemented for the first time in the world. "The pineapple is a type of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) plant, where the photosynthesis process takes place at night. So when pineapples are planted and cared for with the night farming method, they are more effective because we give them "food" while they are working compared to fertilising them during the day when they are 'sleeping' or 'resting'," he told Bernama. (Oct 11,2022). He said LPNM plans to extend night farming for the MD2 variety of pineapples as these are much sought after for export, especially to the Middle East and Europe. Elaborating, he said the night farming method also gives several benefits to the country's pineapple planters, and this includes improving the quality of the pineapples and increasing productivity of work in the pineapple industry. "Currently, pineapple orchard workers do not work for long hours as they are unable to withstand the daytime heat. However, with this method, the workers can work longer and it (this method) can also reduce the risk of attacks on the crops by pests due to the presence of the workers at night," he said. Mohd Khairuzamri said the night farming method will be integrated with the use of solar energy sources to save costs for the pineapple growers. He also said that LPNM is always innovating with products produced from pineapple waste to ensure that pineapple growers not only generate additional income but also can maintain the sustainability of the environment. "The zero-waste programme or pineapples without waste has been emphasised by LPNM to ensure development or increased pineapple crops do not harm the environment such as open burning or waste disposal. "LPNM is collaborating with various government and private agencies, private and public institutes of higher learning to develop downstream products from pineapple tree waste such as pineapple fibre yarn, paper, animal feed, plant medium and others," he said. He said his team expects each pineapple plant to potentially generate income of up to RM50 in the future, which includes sales of fresh fruit, tendrils as plant material as well as leaves and other pineapple waste as basic ingredients for the production of other products. Semuga artikel ini memberi info berguna kepada semua pembaca blog anim agro technology kali ini. Wasllam!!!..
M Anem,
Senior Agronomist,
Precint 11, Putrajaya,
WP Putrajaya,
(16 Rabiulawal 1444H).
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