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Thursday, April 15, 2010
Early Harvest of Durian
Durian(Durio zigbethinus) is a popular fruit in Malaysia as "King of The Fruit". Normally matured durian fruit will "FALL" then collected as Fresh Fruit and ready for consumption. There was also known "Fall Fruit of Durian" and does not last long keeping period due to 100% ripen and do not last long before consumed. The numbers of fruit to fall also unexpected due uncertain numbers daily so that the farmers do not sure of amount of sales. Other factors rather than maturity period for the matured durian to fall may be due to Rainfall, Wind Blow, Hot-Cold Weather Sudden Changes, Strong Storm and Pest attack (Monkey, Squirrel's). This traditional "Durian Fruit Fall" should be improve by studying its morphological characteristic of each Durian Clones. Traditional "DB" or Durian Baik or Durian Kampong not suitable for this technology and need more study. This article in 'Anim Agro Technology' I would like to share my knowledge about early harvest for durian practices.
There is a technology to Harvest or Pluck Durian fruit on the tree as Early Harvest of Durian. Farmers must study and learn how to manage early harvest using index maturity system. The fruit will be to market in a longer period and long distance compare to the "Fall Fruit". The observation shows that Durian from Clone D24 is the best for this technology application. D24 tree has a medium height compare to Traditional Kampong Clone (Tall and uneven branching system). How is the Durian maturity Index to be implemented ?First step is to mark the 100 days old fruit after flowering with certain coloured paints. Second step is to check fruit stalk that is the Abasis (Part between fruit and tree). If the abasis not yet matured , the abasis size on the top and bottom are similar. The abasis size will look like "swollen" both site if the maturity period reached optimum level. The abasis line will be formed showing it is ready for harvest. When the abasis line almost completed the circle mean that the fruit almost ready to fall. Normally Clone D24 has 5 Pangsa (compartment). The line between pangsa is "Very Clear" showing the the durian is ripe and eady to pluck. The pangsa line ant the durian tip will be seen as swollen. Durian D24 has a special characteristic like a small spot so called in Malays as "Tompok Benang Sari". This line size is small, not so clear and not even during immature stage. However the dot Will appear when the Fruit Ripen with size about 5 cents syilling coin, even and easily seen. Harvested durian fruit took 4-5 days and the quality are as good as "Fall Fruit" if correctly follow the technology. DURIAN TREE.....DURIAN FRUIT.... YOUNG DURIAN ... FOR DURIAN CHIP.... FALL DURIAN FRUIT..... SWEET AND FRESH.... MATURED DURIAN.....FOR FRESH QUALITY..
By M Anem Putrajaya
Malaysia (14 April 2010)
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