Vegetable growing in Malaysia is an important sector to provide fresh vegetable for domestic and export market. Total area of vegetable production area reac 38,070 hectare in 2009 producing about 493,479 metric ton valued at RM 1,252.9 million. The largest vegetable producers in Malaysia are in Johor for 11,880 hectare (quater of total area) followed by Pahang (6,540 ha) ,Kelantan (3,940 ha) and Sabah (2,650 ha). Among popular vegetable grown in Malaysia by farm size are Brassica or Sawi (8,180 ha) followed by Kangkung (4,610 ha), Cucumber (2,930 ha), Chili (2,740 ha) and Long beans 2,650 ha). This article talk about simple fact in vegetable growing in Malaysia based on my experience and references as senior agriculture extension agent.. The basic information in "Anim Agriculture Technology" are required for extension agent and as a necessity tools during extension services.
Below are the facts of vegetable information:
1. Okra or Bendi (Hibiscus esculentus)Planting Distance = 0.9m x 0.9m
Planting Density = 4,740 plants/ ha
Planting Distance = 24,000 kg / ha
Harvesting duration = 240 days
Seed requirement = 3 kg/ha
Below are the facts of vegetable information:
1. Okra or Bendi (Hibiscus esculentus)Planting Distance = 0.9m x 0.9m
Planting Density = 4,740 plants/ ha
Planting Distance = 24,000 kg / ha
Harvesting duration = 240 days
Seed requirement = 3 kg/ha
2. Cili Api (Capsicum frustecens)Planting Density = 0.8m x 1.3m
Potential Yield = 6,154 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 4,500 kg /haSeed requirement = 300 gram/ha
3. Red Chili (Capsicum annum)
Planting Distance = 0.9m x 1.2 m
Planting Density = 6,000 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 20,000 kg /ha
seed requirement = 300 gram / ha
4. Winged Bean or Kacang Botol
(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)Planting Distance = 0.6m x 0.6m
Planting Density = 17,777 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 18,000 kg / ha
Seed requirement = 5 kg /ha
5. French Bean or Kacang Buncis(Pheaseolus vulgaris)Planting Distance = 0.6m x 0.6m
Planting Density = 23,700 plants/ ha
Potential Yield = 13,500 kg / ha
Seed requirement = 8 kg / ha
6. Long Bean or Kacang Panjang
(Vigna sinensis)Planting Distance = 0.6m x 0.4m
Planting Density = 23,700 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 20,000 kg/ha
Seed requiremants = 800 gram/ha
7. Kundur (Benincasa hispida)Planting Distance = 1.5m x 1.5 m
Planting Density = 2,850 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 22,000 kg /ha
Seed requirement = 5 kg / ha
8. Labu Air (Legenaria vulgaris)
Planting Distance = 1.5m x 1.5m
Planting density = 2,850 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 25,000 kg / ha
Aeed requirement = 6 kg /ha
9. Pumpkins or Labu Manis(Cucurbita moschata)Planting Distance = 1.2m x 2.4m
Planting Density = 2,230 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 25,000 kg /ha
Seed requirement = 6 kg / ha
Planting Density = 2,230 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 25,000 kg /ha
Seed requirement = 6 kg / ha
10. Bitter Gourd or Peria(Momordica charantia)Planting Distance = 1.5m x 0.5m
Planting Density = 8,540 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 20,000 kg /ha
Seed requirement = 3 kg / ha
Planting Density = 8,540 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 20,000 kg /ha
Seed requirement = 3 kg / ha
11. Angle Loofa or Petola(Luffa acutangula)Planting Distance = 1.5 m x 0.6 m
Planting Density = 7,111 plants/ ha
Potential Yield = 23 mt / ha
Seed requirement = 5 kg / ha
Planting Density = 7,111 plants/ ha
Potential Yield = 23 mt / ha
Seed requirement = 5 kg / ha
12. Snake Gourd or Petola Ular( Trichosanthes cucurmerina)Planting Distance = 0.4m x 0.6m
Planting Density = 23,700 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 16,000 kg /ha
Seed requirement = 4.5 kg / ha
13. Long Brinjal or Terung Panjang(Solanum melongena)Planting Distance = 0.9m x 1.5m
Planting Density = 4,740 plants /ha
Planting Distance = 30,000 kg /ha
Harvesting period = 140 days
Seed requirement = 4 kg/ha
14. Egg Plants or Terung Bulat
(Solanum melongena)Planting Density = 0.9m x 1.5m
Potential Yield = 4,740 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 30,000 kg /ha
Harvesting period = 140 days
Seed requirement = 3.5 kg / ha
14. Egg Plants or Terung Bulat
(Solanum melongena)Planting Density = 0.9m x 1.5m
Potential Yield = 4,740 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 30,000 kg /ha
Harvesting period = 140 days
Seed requirement = 3.5 kg / ha
15. Cucumber or Timun(Cucumis sativus)Planting Distance = 0.6m x 0.6m
Planting Density = 17,780 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 30,000 kg /ha
Harvesting period = 30 days
Seed requiremant = 1.5 kg / ha
16. Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum)Planting Distance = 0.6m x 0.6m
Planting Density = 11,780 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 25,000 kg /ha
Seed requirement = 300 gram / ha
1. Asparagus (Asparagus officinales)Seed requirements = 15 kg
Planting Distance = 0.3m x 1.2m
Planting Density = 11,780 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 5,000 kg /ha
Planting material - 12,000 /ha
2. Bayam (Amaranthus spp)Seed requirements = 6-7 kg/ ha
Planting Distance = 0.08m x 0.1m
Planting Density = 80,000 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 15,000 kg / ha
Seed requirement = 7 kg/ha
3. Sweet Shoot or Cekur Manis(Sauropus albicans)
Seed requirements = 35,700 cuttings
Planting Distance = 0.2m x 0.45m
Planting Density = 35,555 plants / ha
Planting Distance = 33,000 kg /ha
4. Kailan (Brassica alboglabra)Seed requirements = 1.5 kg
Planting Distance = 0.12m x 0.15m
Planting density = 35,555 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 20,000 kg / ha
Seed requirement = 1.5 kg / ha
5. Kangkung (Impomea aquatica)Seed requirements = 30 kg
Planting Distance = 0.2m x 0.1m
Planting Density = 32,000 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 15,000 kg /ha
6. Cabbage or Kobis Bulat(Brassica oleracea)Seed requirements = 350 gram
Planting Distance = 0.6m x 0.1 m
Planting Density = 17,777 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 25,000 kg / ha
Seed requiremant = 350 gram/ha
5. Kangkung (Impomea aquatica)Seed requirements = 30 kg
Planting Distance = 0.2m x 0.1m
Planting Density = 32,000 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 15,000 kg /ha
6. Cabbage or Kobis Bulat(Brassica oleracea)Seed requirements = 350 gram
Planting Distance = 0.6m x 0.1 m
Planting Density = 17,777 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 25,000 kg / ha
Seed requiremant = 350 gram/ha
7. Chinese Cabbage (Brassica capretris)Seed requirements = 250 gram
Planting Distance = 0.15m x 0.2m
Planting Density = 21,333 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 25,000 kg / ha
Seed Requirement = 300 gram/ha
8. Kucai (Allium adorum)Planting Distance = 0.18m x 0.15m
Planting Density = 23,700 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 15,000 kg / ha
9. Salad (Latuca sativa)Planting Distance = 0.3m x 0.3m
Planting Density = 91,110 plants /ha
Planting Distance = 22,000 kg /ha
seed requirement = 400 gram/ha
10. Sawi Bunga (Brassica chinensis)Planting Density = 0.2m x 0.15m
Potential Yield = 21,333 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 20,000 kg/ha
11. Bawang Merah (Allium secolonicum)Planting Distance = 0.10 m x 0.2m
Planting Density = 320,000 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 10,000 kg /ha
12. Carrot or Lobak Merah(Daucus carota)Planting Distance = 0.15m x 0.2m
Planting Density = 213,340 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 14,500 kg / ha
10. Sawi Bunga (Brassica chinensis)Planting Density = 0.2m x 0.15m
Potential Yield = 21,333 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 20,000 kg/ha
11. Bawang Merah (Allium secolonicum)Planting Distance = 0.10 m x 0.2m
Planting Density = 320,000 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 10,000 kg /ha
12. Carrot or Lobak Merah(Daucus carota)Planting Distance = 0.15m x 0.2m
Planting Density = 213,340 plants / ha
Potential Yield = 14,500 kg / ha
Seed requirement = 6.5 kg/ha
13. Lobak Putih (Raphanus sativus)Planting Distance = 0.25m x 0.10m
Planting Density = 256,000 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 35,000 kg /ha
13. Lobak Putih (Raphanus sativus)Planting Distance = 0.25m x 0.10m
Planting Density = 256,000 plants /ha
Potential Yield = 35,000 kg /ha
seed requirement = 15 kg/ ha
14. Sengkuang (Pachyrhizus erosus)Planting Distance = 0.25m x 0.2m
Planting Density = 256,000 plants/ha
Potential Yield = 45,000 kg / ha
14. Sengkuang (Pachyrhizus erosus)Planting Distance = 0.25m x 0.2m
Planting Density = 256,000 plants/ha
Potential Yield = 45,000 kg / ha
Sengkuang = 15 kh /ha
Some of the above fact are subject for change due to soil type, planting system, variety cultivated, crop intensity, with or without rainshelter, open system or fertigation syatem and farm management system. For actual and better information please refer to nearest extension agent in the area. The aboe facts are based on standard farming system where the informatian are gathered from both our station and farmers experience. Amigos!
M Anem
Senior Agronomist
Taman Cendana, Jalan Istana,
Air Keroh,
Melaka, Malaysia.
20 Dec 2010
(Updated on 16 January 2015)
M Anem
Senior Agronomist
Taman Cendana, Jalan Istana,
Air Keroh,
Melaka, Malaysia.
20 Dec 2010
(Updated on 16 January 2015)
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