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Weed control using Glufosinate ammonium or manual weeding. Turn on sprinkler system from day 1 to harvesting period according to weather condition. Second manuring program with NPK 12:12:17:2 about 250 kg/ha or 12 gram/tree applied after 28 days. Trird manuring program 49 days later about the similar quantity with NPK 12:12:17:2. Harvesting started 45 days after planting to approximately 70 days (25 days harvesting period). Among popular pests attacked longbeans were Aphids (Aphis craccivora), Bean Fly (Melanagrommyza phaseoli), Pod Borer (Marucca testutalis), Pod Borer (Euchrysops cnejus) and Thrips (Thrips spp). Use pesticide and manual (sanitation approach) to control pests attack. Recommended insecticides that sprayed such as Diaznon, Dimehhoate, Deltramethrin, Diafenthiuron and cypermethrin. Diseases for longbean are Antracnose (Collectotricum lindemuthianum) that attacked leaf and fruit and controlled with carbendezim or copper oxychloride. Other disease was Leaf spot (Cercospora canecens), Rust (Uromyces appendiculates) , Leaf mozaic (Mozaic virus) and Root Rot (Rhizoctonia solani).
Longbean potential yield between 14 - 16 mt per hectare. Experience at Muar District the average production about 15 mt per hectare. With ex-farm price for RM 0.80/kg the total gross farm income is RM 12,000.00 per hectare. From record keeping activities seems that total cost of production recorded at RM 7,687.90/ha and the net profit about RM 4,312.10/ha. Cost of production per kilogram of longbeans in Muar District is RM 0.51 and the farmers will get back RM 1.56 for every RM 1.00 spent on longbean growing.
M Anem
DOA Muar