Challanges in Agriculture Extension in future are great to ensure prroductivity and efficiency on food crop production. Agro-Food Policy in Malaysia are to guide farmers income to meet high income level in vision towards year 2020. Goverment sector has to hard work in transforming agriculture sector with capable extension agent with proper delivery extension system. Extension service in agriculture sector by Department Of Agriculture, Dept. of Fisheries, Dept. of Veterinar, RISDA, FELDA, FELCRA and other related agencies include all level of supply chain management system.
Farmers in future are more complicated in thinking and farming system. There are modern technology, less labor usage, better working condition, mechanised and computerised. The extension agent must prepared themselves with suitable approaches with the farmers need. The extension must responsive to the fast changes in technology adoption. Farmers able to access technology themselves through mass media, Internets, Personal Communication, Visits, SMS's and others. Thinking level of extension agent must one steps ahead of farmers.
Extension Agent trained in Technical Knowhow and Skill and also important is their communication skill. The Department provide adequate plan in extension , logistic, equipment and manpower to deliver to commercial farmers. It include weekly, monthly, 6-monthly and annual program calendar in extension system. The changes in Globalization, Liberalization, International Policy, Economic Cooperation and Policies will changes according to thw world requirement. Fresh Food Product is no more in demand and may change to frozen food or processed food. New High yielding variety and fast harvesting period will be in demand for farmers. There will be new terminology such as FERTIGATION FARMING, HYDROPONIC FARMING, VERTICAL FARMING, TOP-ROOF FARMING and many others. So, agriculture extension in future more challanges for Extension Agent.
M Anem
Ext Agent
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