Malaysia is a tropical country with 28.25 million population in 2010. The National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) amounted RM 174,448 in 2010 and the per capita income are RM 24,778. Agriculture sector contribute significant impact in National GDP especially on oil palm and rubber plantation and downstream activities. Food Crop produced by commercial farmers for domestic and export markets. Among popular food crop grown in Malaysia are Tropical Fruit such as Durian, Banana, Pineapple, Chempedak, Star Fruit and many others. This article share knowledge about durian clones registered and found in Malaysia based on DOA pamphlet I read recently.
Durian are the most popular fruit tree grown in Malaysia with 104,655 hectare recorded by DOA in 2010 produce about 300,470 metric tonnes. The harvested area in 2010 only 55,228 hectare (only 50%) from the total durian area due to few seasonal factors. The average production of durian estimated about 5,400 kg each hectare. The DOA report shows that in term of production values the durian contribute for RM 1,392,077,505. There are more than 200 local durian found in Malaysia in which only 121 clone are registered to Department of Agriculture since 1934. Below are the 1- 60 registered durian clones:-
Clone Number : Local Name : Registration Date : Owner : Origin
(Those marked in red are popular clones)
Durian are the most popular fruit tree grown in Malaysia with 104,655 hectare recorded by DOA in 2010 produce about 300,470 metric tonnes. The harvested area in 2010 only 55,228 hectare (only 50%) from the total durian area due to few seasonal factors. The average production of durian estimated about 5,400 kg each hectare. The DOA report shows that in term of production values the durian contribute for RM 1,392,077,505. There are more than 200 local durian found in Malaysia in which only 121 clone are registered to Department of Agriculture since 1934. Below are the 1- 60 registered durian clones:-
Clone Number : Local Name : Registration Date : Owner : Origin
(Those marked in red are popular clones)
1. Durian Clone : D1 -
No local names ;1934 ; Unknown ; Dusun Tua, Selangor
2.Durian Clone : D2 -
Locally known as Datuk Nina ; 1934 ; Origin from Melaka
3. Durian Clone : D3 -
No local name ;1939 ; Unknown ; Unknown
4. Durian Clone : D4
Locally known as Repok 52 ; 27.7.34 ; Unknown ; Batu Kurau Perak
5. Durian Clone : D6
No local name ;1936 ; Unknown ; Unknown
6. Durian Clone : D7
No local name; 1934 ; Unknown ; Kajang, Selangor
7. Durian Clone : D8 -
Nil ; 27.7.4 ; Unknown ; Kuala Lumpur
8. Durian Clone : D10
- Durian Hijau ; 1934 ; Bt 13, Kajang, Selangor
9. Durian Clone : D16
- No local name for this clone ; Registered in 1936 ; Unknown owner; The origin of this clone was Unknown and considered a popular clone in Malaysia.
10. Durian Clone : D24
- No local name for this clone ; 30.11.1937 ; Unknown Owner ; This clone originated from Bukit Merah, Perak. This is a very popular clone and strongly recomended for commercial planting for domestic and export market.
11. Durian Clone : D29
11. Durian Clone : D29
- Nil ; 27.7.1938 ; Unknown ; Kuala Kangsar
12. Durian Clone : D30
- Ho Kaun 1 ; 5.1.1939 ; Unknown ; Bentong, Pahang
13. Durian Clone : D33
- Sakai 1 ; 10.1.1939 ; Unknown ; Bentong
14. Durian Clone : D38
- Hj Abu ; 11.8.1939 ; Sidak Ishak ; K Pilah, NS
15. Durian Clone : D53
- Nil ; 27.5.1940 ; Unknown ; Balik Pulau, Penang
16. Durian Clone : D63
- Nil ; 19.6.1940 ; Unknown ; Relau, Penang
17. Durian Clone : D66
- Durian Raja ; n.a ; Unknown ; Sungkai, Perak
18. Durian Clone : D84
- Nil ; 7.12.1948 ; Che Wahab ; Perak
19. Durian Clone : D88
- Bangkok 8 ; 30.8.1950 ; DOA ; Serdang, Selangor
20. Durian Clone : D90
- Nil ; 10.12.1951 ; Mat Arop Kumat ; Melaka
21. Durian Clone : D92
21. Durian Clone : D92
- Bangkok A ; 12.2.1955 ; DOA ; Serdang, Selangor
22. Durian Clone : D97
- Foo ; 17.6.1970 ; Unknown ; Penang
23. Durian Clone : D98
- Katoi ;17.6.1970 ; Unknown ; Thailand
24. Durian Clone : D99
- Local name as Kop Kecil ; Registered at 17.7.1970 ; Unknown owner ; Believed to be originated from Thailand. This is a popular clone in Malayisia.
25. Durian Clone : D100
- Khaw ; 17.6.1970 ; Unknown ; Unknown
26. Durian Clone : D101
- Bangkok Tree 14 ; 1970 ; DOA ; Serdang
27. Durian Clone : D102
- Bangkok 17 ;1970 ; DOA ; Serdang, Selangor
28. Durian Clone : D103
- Bangkok 28 ; 1970 ; DOA ; Serdang, Selangor
20. Durian Clone : D104
- Taiping 2 ; 1970 ; A Hamid Awang ; Taiping
30. Durian Clone : D105
- Taiping 2 ; 1970 ; Awang Yakob : Taiping
31. Durian Clone : D106
- Taiping 5 ; 1970 ; Yunos ; Taiping
32. Durian Clone : D107
- D Ular kekek ; 1970 ; Hjh Saadiah : Taiping
33. Durian Clone : D108
- Nasi Kunyit ;1970 ; Hjh Saadiah ; Taiping
34. Durian Clone : D109
- Sbrg Manong 4 ; 1970 ; Yeop Rahman ; Manong, Perak
35. Durian Clone : D110
- Sbrg Manong 5 ; 1970 ; Yeop Rahman ; Manong, Perak
36. Durian Clone : D111
- Emas Enggang ; 1970 ; Ming Fong ; K. Kangsar, Perak
37. Durian Clone : D112
- Emas Perak ; 1970 ; Ming Fong ; K. Kangsar, Perak
38. Durian Clone : D113
- Raja Patani; 1970 ; Ming Fong ; K. Kangsar, Perak
39. Durian Clone : D114
- Kimpan ; 1970 ; Ming Fong ; K. Kangsar, Perak
40. Durian Clone : D115
- Mas Pahang1 ; 1970 ; Ming Fong ; K. Kangsar, Perak
41. Durian Clone : D116
41. Durian Clone : D116
- Durian Batu ;1970 ; Lee Lam Siew ; Perak
42. Durian Clone : D117
- D. Gombak ; 1970 ; Unknown ; Gombak
43. Durian Clone : D118
- D. Tembaga ; 1970 ; Lee Lam Siew : Perak
44. Durian Clone : D119
- D. Ganjil ; 1971 ; Unknown ; Unknown
45. Durian Clone : D120
- KK5 Manong ;1971 ; Md Nasib ; Perak
46. Durian Clone : D121
- Emas Pahang 2 ; 1972 ; Shamsudin ; Perak
47. Durian Clone : D122
- RimD1 ;1971 ; Pertab Singh ; Sg Buloh, Selangor
48. Durian Clone : D123
- Chanee ;1971 ; Pertab Singh ; Sg Buloh, Selangor
49. Durian Clone : D124
- RimD6 ;1973 ; Pertab Singh ; Sg Buloh, Selangor
50. Durian Clone : D125
- Kop Jantung ; 1973 ; DOA ; Sik Kedah
51. Durian Clone : D126
51. Durian Clone : D126
- Kop T24 ; 1973 ; DOA ; Sik Kedah
52. Durian Clone : D127
- Kop T25 ; 1973 ; DOA ; Sik Kedah
53. Durian Clone : D128
- Pakta T66 ; 1973 ; DOA ; Sik Kedah
54. Durian Clone : D129
- ChaneeT41 ; 1973 ; DOA ; Sik Kedah
55. Durian Clone : D130
- Kan Yau63 ; 1973 ; DOA ; Sik Kedah
56. Durian Clone : D131
- Katoi T9 ; 1973 ; DOA ; Sik Kedah
57. Durian Clone : D132
- Eddie Special ;1973 ; Pratab Singh ; Sg Buloh, Selangor
58. Durian Clone : D133
- D. Rambutan ; 1973 ; Zainal Abidin ; Taiping
59. Durian Clone : D134
- Nil ;1973; Cheah Heng Hin ; Slim, Perak
60. Durian Clone : D135
- Foo Fatt ; 1973; Cheah Heng Hin ; Slim, Perak
All the clone aboved from No 1 to No 60 registered between 1934 to 1973. Many of this clone not planted as commercial clone.
M Anem
Kesang Tua
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